Education mediation service

Education Mediation

Our School Mediation Service is offered to help resolve School Related Disputes, which can entail conflicts involving employees, managers, governors, parents and kids.

Depending on the nature of the disagreement and those involved, the kind of mediation may resemble a Workplace Mediation or, if students are involved, our experienced mediators will ensure the procedure is tailored to suit young people.

Where students are involved, our mediators can help to address situations including persistent breaches of school rules, those involving other students, or those that emerge as a result of challenges at home.
In such circumstances the mediators will arrange separate meetings so that those involved can offer their points of view.

Following this, if everyone are ready to engage, a mediation meeting is planned to allow time for talking and listening in a safe and neutral setting in order to arrive at an agreement to settle the difficulties.

Referrals to our Schools Mediation Service can be made by schools, families or students.